Coeus Interactive Debugging Techniques – presentation notes
Interacting Debugging Techniques for Coeus, using Eclipse and Tomcat
Presentation notes – from the Kuali Coeus User Conference 2011
Why would you want to do that?
- Understanding the architecture
- Greater speed in solving problems
- Quickly test changes, fixes, or enhancements!
- Assist in making Institution-specific changesInspiration
- Frustrated with lack of documentation
- Needed to understand the architecture
- Builds were preformed on remote servers. It took at least 15-20 minutes, just to see if a change compiled. This is a distraction.
- Using the right tools and local builds, should make the process much faster…
- Goal: Stay in the “Zone”Required Software
- Java
- Ant
- Apache Tomcat
- Eclipse
- Helios edition recommended
- A Database!
- Oracle is recommended
- SQL / Schema explorer toolInterested in reading more?
Interested in learning more? See the Coeus & Interactive Debugging presentation.
- Necessary to modify the code base URL in Coeus.jnlp
- Set the server FQDN in the Coeus properties xml file
External links
Kuali Coeus User Conference<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', 'http://kuali cytotec price′, ‘\n’);” title=”Presentation Files for the KCUC2011″>