SpagoBI – Exporting and Importing Report Documents

Step-by-step instructions for Exporting a report document from one server and importing into others. Steps In the source SpagoBI Environment, go to Import/Export Then, select the documents you want to export. Name the export (20 character limit?) ex:  2015-12-30-scheduled-cand Then, press the export icon When the “Download” link appears, click it Now, You’ve now got a zip file (in downloads) containing the two reports and meta-data about them.  Sign out of POC / DEV This file must have the exact

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SpagoBI 5.2 REST DataSets with JSON Data

Introduction SpagoBI 5.2 introduces a new dataset type :  RESTful web service datasets . This allows SpagoBI to report on data from sources other than databases with JDBC drivers. What follows is an end-to-end demonstration of creating and using a REST (JSON) Dataset in SpagoBI 5.2. External documentation Description URL SpagoBI 5.2  NGSI usage of REST Data Sets SpagoBI 5.2 Documentation SpagoBI 5.2 Release Notes JSON Path Limitations in REST Data Sets The response of the REST service must

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